This blog page is dedicated to Mama who's used to having me around..and will still do..
Maa..i'm 22 birthday celebration..*sigh~ I got back from London after sending Abah n Along off at Marble Arch..the bus ride from Oxford to London is approximately one and a half hours at the cost of 8 pounds for return Abah said can go to London often.
I arrived in Headington at 5 pm..after asar pegi laa amek bus to Ezna's for buka puasa..she's's about 10 minutes the way..i got a free Brookes bus pass for the year.. i thought of showing you my room..
tel: 08707560832 ext. 6081
that's my address..jangan silap bilik! Cheney got 750 rooms..
It's at the top floor by the pun top floor..insyaAllah boleh kurus..
So this is my room..pretty cool, right?!
Size wise is sufficient enough for me but if you come later..agak sempit..but still ok..I had to tidy up the room since morning just to take a picture of it to show you..banyak effort tuh..
The shoe rack was also bought by Abah..with the bedroom slipper..tak payah pun sebenarnya tapi alang-alang..
Sebelah bed tu ader laundry basket..pun baru beli.. I had two pillows sebab satu tak cukup..hehe
Softboard tuh i put my friend's pictures..
This picture was taken with the door you can imagine the size of my room from its door.
Bawah katil ader storage..that's where I put all the luggage..tapi kene angkat mattress laa..
This softboard i put up the pictures of our family..
Can you see the white with a red line package at top-right of my shelves..that's the kinder bueno x 5.. i am sure you have it also at was unbelievably cheap..
Box hitam sebelah jam tu tersalah beli..suruh beli magazine file tapi tercakap box file...Abah laa ni..
The telephone is behind my can always call if you want..
Kiblat die senget sket..muat-muat jer nak sembahyang..
Nampak tak bendera Malaysia?..semangat!!
Baju tak banyak pun..even Along said the same thing.. so what was it that i brought from Malaysia that was so berat? I wonder~
Ader cermin..thank God for that..
The black bag at top-right of my cupboard tu is Izza's bag.. I had to borrow her bag in London sebab Abah bought me a 12-piece set of pinggan and mangkuk, 3-piece knive set and 5 x kinder i carried that bag all the way from London to Oxford..
Ader baju baru dalam cupboard that Abah bought for me in Bicester..but am not going to show'll say it's no necessary..
Toilet ok laa..bare minimum..toilet bowl, sink, mirror, shower and shower curtain..but slightly sempit.. become a member is 29 pounds a year n you will get a discounted fee for every go in without having to pay anything at each entry is 200 pounds a year..
So there goes my motivation of going to the gym everyday..tengok jer laa from my window..
There is also a bar there where everyone gathers. So basically it is quite noisy around my block.
The only ventilation for my room is through that small opening..That is enough to make my room cold..
I think that's about all there is to my room.. Let's go to the kitchen..
microwave, kettle and toaster provided.. fridge also..see the one with the blue towel hanging..that's my storage..tak payah laa tengok dalam ekh..
So that is basically what you will expect to see when you come later..I am alright..don't worry, ok? My class will start this Tuesday..Hope to see you soon..
Najwa from Oxford
ala... tunggu la 2 bulan agi... sure cam sarang tikus dah bilik tu...
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